JKG is one of the world’s leading producers of number plate production lines. Our development teams have decades of experience in designing, producing and finally installing/commissioning the most demanding production lines, used in the world today. All our production facilities are customised to meet any demand the customer may have in terms of speed, and processing of safety features. Renown as being the fastest and most reliable in the market today, customers worldwide have turned to JKG to assist in solving their national demands for the most challenging car license plates!
JKG is able to design, develop, produce, install, commission production facilities for all current production methods. Either being it the “German” system, the “French” system, or a combination of both systems integrated in one HSRP laminating system, we have the answer AND the experience. We equally provide in line solutions for a wide variety of safety features known and used in the world today.
If you have special security demands, we are very confident to be able to offer a useful and satisfying solution to your problem.